Robotic surgery is no more a new technique to surgeons; the vision-guided robotic system is underused by most of the neurosurgeons. Surgical robots in neurosurgery help in stereotactic procedures and endoscopic maneuvers. To perform stereotactic and endoscopic procedures Robotic technology is generally used. Other common neurosurgical applications are robotized microscope, telepresence, and tumor resection. Dr. Sandeep Vaishya reviews “The improved accuracy and shorter surgical times will be a tremendous improvement for patient safety and comfort.”
For the past eleven years, Croatia has invested HRK 42 million in medical robotics and developed a successful robotized neurosurgery system, the RONNA robotic is performing specific bone drilling operations as a way to improve affected person safety and reduce the trauma that can be due to manual drilling processes. The new system additionally features superior manage mechanisms that permit an intuitive and natural interaction among a medical team of workers and the robotic itself. “A spin-off the company is deliberate on the way to similarly develop the economic robotic platform. Given the amount of interest shown, we are assured about making sure a strong and sustainable support base for all medical users.” Says Dr. Sandeep Vaishya, the Best Neurologist in India.
The most vital results which have been produced by means of the RONNA projects are:
- Quicker and more effective completion of surgery.
- Surgical operation technique turns into much less invasive.
- Faster patient restoration (due to a shorter duration of the surgical operation).
- Greater effective use of hospital resources.
- Introduction of the latest technologies into scientific practice.
- The technological and scientific contribution of the venture:
- Improvement of new manipulate fashions for the intuitive use of robots in the running room.
- Development of a new approach for patient’s localization.
- Design of specific robot tools and instruments appropriate to be used in the clinical surroundings.
- Knowledge of recent possibilities for the utility of robotic technology within the neurosurgical practice.
"By the end of the year, we're planning to apply it in invasive procedures, most likely in November, and the plan is to extend RONNA's use in spinal surgery procedures," he added best gamma knife neurosurgeon in India.
He explained that RONNA is actually a two-handed robot, and so far has used only one hand purely to assist, and he will now be able to do more than that, such as working with bone drilling, as well as with instrument insertion. He also pointed out that their success is the result of the approach itself. Robo-neurosurgeons have begun being developed from the starting point that robots are technically imperfect systems that cannot actually directly meet the requirements of clinical application.
The fourth generation of the RONNA system, which is present within the system of medical trials, incorporates a number of improvements over previous generations, usually in term of the accuracy of stereotactic navigation, and is used on a weekly basis in India, contributing to the reduction of postoperative trauma and faster recovery of patients. He says it's too early to talk about business models, but has ideas for the robot as soon the necessary CE certificate is obtained. He wants to focus only on R&D, and the business itself is of no interest to him, otherwise, the incredible Robot RONNA received the main innovation award in London at the Hamlyn Symposium last week. The ''neurosurgeon'' robot has reached the level of autonomy four, one step away from complete and utter autonomy.
"So, we had to develop a whole new set of approaches through which the system then adjusts to its own shortcomings. That's why RONNA boosts cognitive abilities of an IQ of over 100 today because it can create a plan of its own behavior, of course, according to the surgeon's instructions,'' concluded best gamma knife neurosurgeon in India Dr. Sandeep Vaishya.
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