The Brain and Spine Centre of Texas are happy to announce a number of groundbreaking solutions for lower back pain none of which requires the help of surgery. The centre focuses on providing alternatives to traditional medications. They offer several none invasive techniques to treat chronic back pain in patients of different age groups as well as different pain conditions.

Treating chronic lower back pain takes a long time because problems like this take a long time to heal because they need to be treated with caution not to irritate the area around it. This is why most people prefer treatments that offer an alternative to the traditional medicine. The centre believes that each patient suffers from a lower back pain that is different from other patients suffering from the same thing. This is why the centre specifically tailors a personalized treatment that addresses all your needs with the least invasive yet very effective service and technique.

The centre provides targeted spinal correction that is causing the pain in the lower part of the back. The medical experts first identify the exact cause and the location from where the pain is emitting. This is the first step in treating the patients at the Brain and Spine Centre of Texas. No patient is given the same treatment unless scientifically confirmed because they believe that every body works and responds differently and hence should be dealt with likewise.

The procedure of diagnosis and examination includes targeted physical examination, measurements using sophisticated hi tech instruments, and computer generated studies. All these measurements are explained in a step-by-step process so that patients can understand and offer their consent all through the procedure. The Centre believes that most treatments do not work because they do not have the patients’ 100 per cent participation. Healing is not just one way but both ways between the doctors and the patients. To get more information on lower back pain and its cure please go to


This neurosurgical centre provides compassionate and timely treatment to nervous system related diseases. With the most advanced team working behind the scene, the centre offers groundbreaking solutions to different diseases.

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Brain and spine of texas

Plano, TX

[email protected]